The Shower Leg, Waterproof Prosthetic For The Shower, Amputation Benefits

What The Doctors Don't Tell You About Amputation

As one might guess, an amputation comes with many disadvantages such as challenges taking a shower. However, an amputation provides some surprising advantages as well. Most amputees don't exactly elect to have their limb removed. You would be surprised to know that many often do choose to have a limb removed, though.

Connections With The Amputation Community

Many often think that just because someone is missing a limb, that they now know all the other people with missing limbs in town. There is a certain nugget of truth to that actually. As an amputee, many report taking exceptional notice of being about to spot others who have had an amputation. And, as one might think, connecting with others in this community is remarkably easy. There is a level of understanding each amputee is connected to. You each understand the journey you have been on. Therefore, you'll always have something to talk about.

The Shower Leg, Waterproof Prosthetic For The Shower, Amputation Advantages

An Amputation Gets A Lot Of Attention

It's not uncommon to garner a lot of stares and questions as an amputee. In fact, many organizations might even want to use your likeness as a 'poster child' for their product or service. It is important to know who you might be representing, though. While many organizations love showing off diversity at their company, do your research to know which ones are organizations that align with your values.

While getting extra attention can prove to be tiring for many, it can also be a trait that makes an amputee memorable. On the plus side, one might get ten times the accolades for doing something that an able bodied person would do, such as run a 5k. On the downside, it may be the only thing people remember about you.

Don't Be Surprised When Extra Planning And Effort Is Needed

Using a prosthetic can require an extraordinary amount of energy compared to actions performed by able bodied. If you have a sudden amputation or go from being able bodied to an amputee overnight, the shock will initially make the whole thing seem next to impossible. However, one can and will adapt if they choose to. Learning new things makes us mentally and in this case, physically, stronger. It may require a strange approach, but you will learn to adapt.

As a new amputee, it is important to remember to plan for the extra time needed to do daily tasks. You will need to remember to book assistance when purchasing a flight. Taking a shower takes longer. Its easier with The Shower Leg, but still takes some extra steps. Just remembering to account for an extra 10 minutes in the morning to put on your prosthetic will take some getting used to. Just don't forget to plan, plan, plan.

Residual Limb Problems

Able bodied people don't often realize how many problems amputees have with their prosthetics from including blisters, pain, infections and sweat. Especially if one is active and even for those that aren't, residual limbs sweat like crazy. That's why it is so important to keep your amputated limb extra clean.

For many, regulating sweat comes with trying to find the right fit with a prosthetic. If it is too tight, you get blisters. Too loose and it will fall off. It is important to work with your medical team to ensure you get the right fit. Unfortunately, for most, it is a journey of trial and error.

Use The Shower Leg To Help You Plan Easier After An Amputation

Simple tasks, such as showering, is a challenge for amputees and requires some extra time. The Shower Leg can help give you some extra time and is critical to helping you avoid infection and discomfort. The Shower Leg can greatly help assist lower leg amputees in keeping their residual limb clean. Learn more about how it works. In the meantime, should any changes occur to the healing process of your residual limb, be sure to consult with your doctor about options. 

The Shower Leg and its affiliates do not necessarily endorse products featured and linked to in this article.
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