The Shower Leg, Prosthetic Device For The Shower, Recovering After An Amputation

The Road To Recovery After An Amputation

Learning What To Expect After An Amputation Can Be A Bit Of A Mystery

Trying to figure out what to expect after an amputation is often a frustrating experience for most people. Questions come up about when one will be able to walk again or when the phantom limb pain will go away. The problem is that no matter how good the doctors are, they simply don't have the answers. That's mainly because everybody is different.

Everybody progresses at a different rate during this process. Consequently, trying to rush the recovery process by setting goals can often lead to disappointment. Plus, even though some people can be more driven than others, a lot of the recovery can also depend on one's genetics.

Instead of focusing on reaching a specific date, it can be better to concentrate on reaching certain milestones. The milestones listed below are some common levels to reach during your recovery process. No matter what kind of recovery process you may be facing, it is important to listen to your medical team, be sure not to rush the process and always listen to your body.

Milestones To Recovery After An Amputation

Getting Out Of Bed

Performing a simple task like getting out of bed after a surgery can require a large amount of courage, not to mention strength. However, for most new amputees, this is the first step to recovery. When one can get out of bed on their own, they are ready to move to the next step.

Using Assisting Devices

Once your sutures are removed and your doctor gives the ok, the process of learning to walk can begin. This can be one of the toughest milestones to reach. The beginning will be difficult. However, it is important to be patient and keep improving. Continuing to use assistive devices such as crutches or a prosthetic that can be used in the shower will make life increasingly manageable.

That being said, it is important to remember that each person's condition is different. Some may have more weakened muscles than others. Go at the pace that comfortable and keep going forward.

Join A Support Group

For some people asking for help from friends and family is never easy. However, joining an amputee support group is almost essential for a productive journey to recovery. Having other amputees to speak to can not only be incredibly comforting, it can expose resources to services and products one normally may not have access to.

Using Your First Prothetic Limb

Training to use a prosthetic can take time but is also an important step on the road to recovery. You'll put in a lot of work with a physical therapist who specializes in prosthetics. Once you have mastered using a prosthetic limb, mobility expands and life becomes so much more easy.

The Shower Leg, Prosthetic Device For The Shower, Healing Process After An Amputation

Return To Work And Activity

No matter what kind of recovery journey one might be on, most will eventually return to work and the leisurely activities they enjoy. While one may need to make some new adjustments, returning to work can be incredibly therapeutic for mental health. It is a milestone worth achieving.

On that note, don't let the thought of an amputation prevent the leisurely activities previously enjoyed such as traveling or running. Sure. Modifications may need to be made, but don't let an amputation stop one from being active. Doing things that you love is not only beneficial to mental well-being, you'll also come across others in your very situation. Meeting like minded individuals can support you on the road to recovery.

Your Recovery Is A Journey

Accepting the amputation can be one of the most rewarding journeys. For many, it's not so much about dealing with the loss of a limb, but more about the transformation of the whole person in the process. Setting short term easy to reach goals can help one move through the milestones of recovery. That being said, it is important to remember that each person's journey is different than the next. Slow and steady wins the race. Enjoy what life has to offer and take time to relax once and a while. The journey is worth it.

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