Learn More About Getting Your First Prosthetic Leg

Learn More About Getting Your First Prosthetic Leg

Your First Prosthetic Leg Can Be Challenging

Given the advancements in technology today, a modern prothetic leg can effective mimic the function, and in some cases, the appearance of a biological limb. A prosthetic can help those with a lower limb amputation move around and walk independently. If you currently have or are thinking about getting a lower limb amputation soon, you may be thinking about getting your first prosthetic leg. However, before doing so, be sure to discuss the matter with your healthcare team in detail and consider this important information.

Not Everyone Is A Good Candidate For A Prosthetic

It is important to discuss any plans for getting your first prothetic leg with your physician. Be sure to consider some important questions.

  • What was your activity level like prior to your amputation?
  • Do you have any specific goals around your movement needs?
  • At what level of the leg did the amputation take place?
  • Is there enough soft tissue in place to cushion the bone in the residual limb?
  • What about the other leg? Is it healthy?
  • Are you experiencing any pain?
  • Are there any activities you plan to go back to once you have a new prosthetic?

The original reason for the amputation can also be a deciding factor for whether one can be a candidate for a prosthetic. It is important to be honest about lifestyle and habits as they can play a crucial role of the success of using a prosthetic limb. For example, those that have a sedentary lifestyle and lost their leg due to diabetes may find using a prothesis much more challenging compared to the active individual who lost their leg in a car accident.

The Shower Leg, Waterproof Prosthetic Device, First Prosthetic Leg

Challenges One May Experience With Their First Prothetic Leg

After your rehabilitation, you may certainly run into a series of hurdles going forward. Getting used to a prosthetic limb is more challenging than you may think. Some problems may include:

If you have experience with any of these issues, be sure to consult with your physician right away.

Your First Prosthetic Leg May Not Be Your Last

The good thing about prosthetic technology is that it is always changing and evolving. Some new developments include microprocessor joints and computerized movement that can provide a more natural feel, fit and glide.

Your first prosthetic leg may not be your only one either. If your lifestyle calls for staying active, there can be customized prosthetic devices to assist with those specific functions. For example, there are prosthetic legs designed for running, swimming and showering. Consequently, your medical team may be able to customize your prosthetic device to fit your lifestyle.

There Are Many Things To Consider When Thinking About Your First Prosthetic Leg

Deciding on whether to get a prosthetic device or not can feel overwhelming. Just remember, the decision doesn't have to be made alone. An expert healthcare team can provide options and give you the pros and cons of each in order to make a wise decision on the direction to take depending on one's personal lifestyle.

In the meantime, remember it is important to keep your residual limb clean. A new prosthesis can't get wet. When showering, consider The Shower Leg to provide specialized assistance with everyday hygiene.

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